
Current Research in Psychology and Behavioral Science
[ ISSN : 2833-0986 ]

Trauma-Wise Youth: Responding to the Need Beneath the Pain

Review Article
Volume 2 - Issue 3 | Article DOI : 10.54026/CRPBS/1034

Larry K Brendtro* and Beate Kreisle

Published : December 31, 2021


While there are many “trauma-informed” training programs for professionals, youth are the leading players on the trauma stage. In contemporary cultures of coercion, youth battle adults and become bullies or victims of peers. But Indigenous cultures of respect view children as contributors to the community, not problems to be controlled. This article describes how “trauma-wise youth” can respond to the needs of their peers in pain. Strategies drawn from the circle of courage resilience model and positive peer culture are used to engage youth in helping roles. These developmental relationships heal trauma and build resilience.