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Corpus Publishers is an international Publisher of open access journals that encourages scientific knowledge and original research. Corpus publishers is an unique platform for students, professors, authors and research scholars to share their innovative thoughts and ideas.
We publish high quality, genuine and reliable articles. All the content is available on our website can be freely accessed from anywhere across the globe.
We also give you access to a range of high-quality research that can fuel your passion for scientific reading and keep you Abreast with what's new in the world of science.
We are in quest of pioneering ways to support and launch of new journals, the investment in new publishing technologies, efforts to increase awareness and commitment to open access. We publish articles of various formats (i.e., HTML, PDF, Digital, Audio conversion and Video development).
Corpus publishers dedicated to offer researchers a broad range of services and are well known for providing relatively rapid online publication in an efficient and effective manner. This journal is open to all research professional and we warmly welcome authors to visit our site and submit their scientific papers to our journal in the form of global online publication.

We Publish
We publish different types of scholarly literature, some of which require original research and some that are based on