Research and Development in Polymer Science (RDPS)
- ISSN: 2996-2846
Research and Development in Polymer Science is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to publish high quality and effective papers that provide information to our readers. RDPS deals with innovative and significant advances in Polymer Physics, Chemistry, Technology and physics of macromolecules, including the synthesis and characterization of polymeric materials and polymerization processes, both theoretical and experimental. The journal seeks to promote and disseminate knowledge of the various topics and technologies of Polymer research in various sectors like functional/specialty polymers, biomaterials, drug delivery, electronic applications, composites, conducting polymers, liquid crystalline materials and bring contribution in new fabrication techniques. The main theme of this journal is to spread the advanced research technologies in Polymer Science and Materials. RDPS journal cordially accepts all research papers, review articles, short communications, mini- reviews, opinions, letter to editors etc.
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