
Plagiarism Policy


Corpus Publishers is committed to publish original material which is neither been published or under review in other journals or copying the content from the other published articles. We use different software to check the plagiarism for the submitted manuscripts.

Sometimes papers were published twice by accident, even by distinguished authors. Some authors will submit the same manuscript to more than one journal and try to withdraw one if the other is accepted.

To avoid such practices,Corpus Publishers follows standard and tight Editorial Process to maintain quality in all the listed journals. Editorial process involves strict measures to prevent plagiarism, redundancy of manuscripts, multiple submissions, fabrication and falsification of data.

Duplicate Submission

Corpus Publishers restrict publishing duplicate submissions i.e, the articles that are already published or under review with other journals.

This practice is widespread and might be unintentional. Transparency by the author on the use of previously published work usually provides the necessary information to make an assessment on whether it is deliberate or unintentional. Corpus Publishers will strictly follow the guidelines and won’t allow such practices.

Improper Author Contribution

It is important and mandatory for authors to mention all others authors list in the manuscript who has contributed their scientific work.

Conflict of Interest

Articles published under Corpus Publishers must be accompanied by a conflict of interest disclosure. This includes financial and non-financial interests, affiliations or any personal, racial and intellectual properties.

Authors: If the authors are funded by a company that produces the products that they are writing about this may influence their manuscript.

Reviewers: If the reviewers are working in the same research area at a competing institution to the authors, then this will not only influence their judgement, but the reviewer may advise rejection of the competing article so that their research is published first.

Editors: If an editor receives an article from a friend or colleague this may bias their judgement of its suitability to publish.


Corpus Publishers do not encourage manipulation of data in Citations, figures and results. We invite authors to submit original research, review, case reports, letter to the editor, editorials, mini reviews, etc.

Journal of Mineral and Material Science

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