Environmental Sciences and Ecology: Current Research
[ ISSN : 2833-0811 ]
Aspects that Determine the Quality of Soybean Seed in Cuba
1Researcher and Professor (General Director), National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Cuba
2Assistant Researcher, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Cub
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In Cuba, soybeans constitute a crop with great prospects in improving the quality of life of the population, due to its high nutritional value; however, production is still insufficient to meet national needs, so it is necessary to import [1]. In the particular case of soybean seed in Cuba, the impacts caused by the threshing mechanisms acquire great importance, since they are the main source of mechanical damage, such as the loss of the cover, cracks, crushing or crushing, causing decreases in vigor and germination [2]. Among the factors that influence the quality of the harvest are: the leveling of the soil, the slope, the stoniness and the external and internal drainage of the soil: Soybeans require level land with little slope, since in these conditions the cutting organs can be regulated depending on the height of the load, thus achieving that most of the yield formed enters the threshing and cleaning systems of the combined. When grading is poor, cutter bars can be positioned below or above the load and even buried, leading to contamination of the seed with soil particles. Soils with high stoniness increase the risks of damage to the cutting organs, as well as to the elevators and the threshing and cleaning system, and mechanical damage to the grains during these operations and the number of plants not harvested are increased. The quality of the harvest can also be affected by poor external and internal drainage of the soil, by producing insufficient plant development and therefore causing variations in the cutting height and clogging of the harvesters. The effectiveness of mechanized harvesting is also influenced by varietal characteristics such as the maturation group, the height of the plant and the insertion of the first pods, the number of branches, the diameter of the stem, the resistance to lodging and the susceptibility to the dehiscence of the pods, as well as by the state of the plantation, the sowing density, the uniformity of the field and the level of weeds at the time of harvest [3].
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