
Corpus Journal of Clinical Trials
[ ISSN : 2833-3764 ]

Awake craniotomy: A Sleep-AwakeAsleep Craniotomy Clinical Case Study

Case Report
Volume 1 - Issue 1 | Article DOI : 10.54026/CJCT/1001

Viera Dorame¹, Gallo Frias², Luis Gilberto³, Pimentel Diaz, Miranda Nava5* 

¹Raul Fernando Lieutenant colonel. Head of Investigation, Head of Neurosurgery, Final approval and critical
revision to be published
²Social Service. University of Guadalajara Lamar, Conception, design analysis and data interpretation
³University of Guadalajara Lamar, Conception, translation and data interpretation
4University of Guadalajara, edition and revision
?Neurology, Final approval and critical revision

Corresponding Authors

Miranda Nava, Neurology, Final approval and critical revision


Epileptic crisis; Biopsy; Resection;Oligodendroglioma; Asleep-AwakeAsleep

Received : August 04, 2020
Published : October 14, 2020


Observe and evaluate neurological preservation of patient in posterior position for surgical intervention asleep-awakeasleep craniotomy. Material and Methods: observational, retrospective, longitudinal and descriptive study, considered, as variables are database articles from PubMed and UPTODATE. Clinical case study: The patient is a 57 year old Hispanic male, whom arrives for a neurosurgery consultation at the Regional Military Hospital of Specialties in Guadalajara after presenting an epileptically crisis that initiated in 2013, he was followed up with laboratorial studies and MRI reporting a cerebral tumour located in the frontal right side of the brain. Surgical contentment and space in the operating room (OR) and established to perform surgical resection with biopsy. Findings: Under anaesthesia in asleep-awake-asleep procedure an Oligodendroglioma is found in right frontal side of the brain. Conclusion: Surgery was not possible due to under capacitated medical equipment and previous preparation to perform asleep-awake-asleep craniotomy