
Current Research in Psychology and Behavioral Science
[ ISSN : 2833-0986 ]

Character Education: Initiated an Authentic National Education Based Local Wisdom

Review Article
Volume 1 - Issue 1

Moh Toriqul Chaer*
Published : May 27, 2020


This study contains the idea of management of education not only as normative; only states and described but in the form of performative management. The idea of culture-based character education requires effort, deconstruct the ancient texts in the world of education. This research is library research, namely its research obtained from the study of literature or related literature. Data that will be collected include: i. An overview of education in Indonesia ii. The education Problems in Indonesia iii. The strategy of character education A technique used to analyze the research data is a form of analysis of the content (content analysis), i.e., by using any method that used to conclude the effort to find the characteristics of the messages and be done objectively and systematically. The learning objectives based on these characters, the fact is that the process of learning advocacy over inequality and sociocultural discrimination that occurs in the community. Education was supposed to be able to contribute to the development of a better culture (education must shift into the future tense). Expected at the end of education can advocate for learners into the face of concussion culture that concussion occurred in the community with wise the emphasis on local wisdom values an egalitarian and humanistic.