
Concepts in Neurology and Research
[ ISSN : 2833-3667 ]

Combined Olfatory Bulb Stem Cells Implant and Combined Hematopoyetics in Raquimedular Trauma

Research Article
Volume 1 - Issue 1 | Article DOI :  10.54026/CNR/1001

Alvaro Cordoba*, Dra Mariela Alza

Published : April 28, 2020


Considering our clinical experience in the devastating effects of the ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) 24 patients were implanted with their own stem cells, in the spinal cord and in the cerebrospinal fluid, through a neuroendoscopic procedure. So far, there is no effective and bloodless treatment to reverse the functional sequelae of the spinal cord injury due to traumatic spinal injury. Considering the devastating effects of these injuries, we have designed a new treatment protocol for these patients who have autologous stem cells implanted in the spinal cord and CSF, immediately after being selected and purified, combined with OEC combining diferent types of precursors [1-5]. Objectives a) To improve functional rehabilitation and quality of life in the injured spinal cord by means of the repetitive grafting of olfactory bulb cells and hematopoietic stem cells. b) Evaluate the recovery (total or partial) of the functions commanded by the nervous system after mixed grafting. c) Assess the morbidity associated with the procedure. d) Protocolize pre-intra and postoperative care in the short and medium term in rachimedular injured patients.