
Current Research in Psychology and Behavioral Science
[ ISSN : 2833-0986 ]

Concepts and Principles of Contemporary Hypno-Psychotherapy

Mini Review
Volume 3 - Issue 3 | Article DOI : 10.54026/CRPBS/1046

Salvatore Giacomuzzi*, Oleksandr Kocharian, Nataliya Barionova and Klaus Garber

Nationale Iwan-Franko-Universität Lwiw, Universytetska St. Lviv, 79000 Ukraine

Corresponding Authors

Salvatore Giacomuzzi, Nationale IwanFranko-Universität Lwiw, Universytetska St. Lviv, 79000 Ukraine


Hypno-psychotherapy; Biological foundations; Therapeutic effectiveness; Health psychologists

Received : April 04, 2022
Published : April 29, 2022


Hypnosis is empirically well studied in its biological foundations and its therapeutic effectiveness. It is a recognised healing method in Austria, Switzerland and Germany. With the use of imaging techniques, it can be clearly shown that brain areas responsible for attention, visual imagination, critical evaluation and self-awareness change in their activity through hypnosis in such a way that the state of hypnotic trance differs markedly from both sleep and waking consciousness. The effects of hypnosis on the immune system as well as on affects have been confirmed. Basically, a fundamental distinction must be made between “therapeutic hypnosis”, hypnosis for therapeutic purposes, and “show hypnosis”, such as is shown in various entertainment performances. Therapeutic hypnosis” is in turn divided into different forms, namely “hypnotic psychotherapy”, “hypnotherapy” and “hypnosis”.