
Current Research in Psychology and Behavioral Science
[ ISSN : 2833-0986 ]

Effect of Bullying of Inclusive Students’ Social Competence

Review Article
Volume 2 - Issue 1

Sefa Bulut* and Şeymanur Kaya
Published : January 11, 2021


Bullying is a far-reaching term that affects people. Victims of bullying are exposed to aggressive behaviors repeatedly over time because of an imbalance of power. Children are more likely to be bullied. This risk of being bullied increases for inclusive students in a normal classroom environment, because even the children without disability are bullied, their peers who are diagnosed with physical or cognitive disability are at higher risk of bullying. They may seem different, vulnerable, or weak compared to the rest of the classroom members. Inevitably, being bullied affects inclusive students physically, socially, and psychologically, because different dimensions of bullying are implemented to these students. Despite the fact that inclusive education aims at social interaction and competence, sometimes it ends with hating school, friends even the withdrawal process.