
Global Journal of Infectious Diseases
[ ISSN : 2992-9636 ]

FUZZY Inference System using Python

Review Article
Volume 1 - Issue 1 | Article DOI : 10.54026/GJID/1001

Prasenjit Nath*

B. Voc. IT Department, B.N.College, Dhubri, Assam, India

Corresponding Authors

Prasenjit Nath B. Voc. IT Department, B.N.College, Dhubri, Assam, India.


Fuzzy Logic; Infectious disease; CODIV-19

Received : October 29, 2020
Published : November 30, 2020


Most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, dry cough, and tiredness but affects different people in different ways. The virus that causes COVID-19 is mainly transmitted through droplets generated when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or exhales. These droplets are too heavy to hang in the air, and quickly fall on floors or surfaces. You can be infected by breathing in the virus if you are within close proximity of someone who has COVID-19, or by touching a contaminated surface and then your eyes, nose or mouth. This paper is about classification of fuzzy logic application in an infectious disease like COVID-19. Fuzzy logic methods are vastly used for diagnosis of diseases and the key fuzzy logic methods used for the infectious diseases are the fuzzy inference system, rule- based fuzzy logic. This paper using python programming language and developed a Fuzzy logic based expert system to indentified possible COVID-19 cases base on symptoms. Python offers an amazingly powerful and free open-source alternative to traditional techniques and applications. Python have libraries for data analysis and visualization like Pandas, numpy etc. as well as for data visualization like matplotlib.