
Open Access Journal of Dental and Oral Surgery
[ ISSN : 2833-0994 ]

Herbst and Extractions of Two Lower Premolars to Correct a Second Class Patient with Thin Gingival Biotype

Case Report
Volume 3 - Issue 2 | Article DOI : 10.54026/OAJDOS/1034

Manni Antonio* , Cozzani Mauro and Paggi Elena

Istituto Giuseppe Cozzani, Italy

Corresponding Authors

Manni Antonio, Istituto Giuseppe Cozzani, Italy


Herbst; Premolars; Orthodontist; Maxillary Sagittal Growth; Sagittal Jaw

Received : June 09, 2022
Published : June 20, 2022


Herbst appliance is considered one of the most efficient devices for class II correction, but in cases of patients with thin gingival biotype biomechanics that avoid adverse effects on periodontal health are required. This case shows the use of Herbst combined with extractions of two lower premolars, obtaining mandibular advancement, aesthetic improvement of the profile and reducing the risk of developing gingival recession.