
Current Research in Psychology and Behavioral Science
[ ISSN : 2833-0986 ]

Multidimensional Interoceptive Awareness, Psychosomatic Symptoms, and Risk for Eating Disorders in a Female at Birth Adolescent Sample

Research Article
Volume 3 - Issue 2 | Article DOI : 10.54026/CRPBS/1040

Greta Riboli1,2*, Mattia Nese2 , Gianni Brighetti2 and Rosita Borlimi2

1Sigmund Freud University, Freudplatz-1, Wien, Austria
2Sigmund Freud University, Ripa di Porta Ticinese 77, Italy

Corresponding Authors

Greta Riboli, Sigmund Freud University, Freudplatz-1, Wien, Austria


Interoceptive awareness; Psychosomatic symptoms; Eating disorders; Adolescence; Well-being

Received : February 28, 2022
Published : March 07, 2022


Aim: This study aimed to identify specific interoceptive awareness dimensions related to the risk for eating disorders (ED) in a sample of female adolescents. Subjects and Method: A sample of 317 female adolescents (Mage=17.04±1.22) completed the Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (MAIA), the Psychophysiological Questionnaire (QPF-R), and the Eating Disorder Inventory 3 (EDI 3). The scores obtained at the MAIA subscales and the QPF-R were employed to predict the eating disorder risk composite score derived from the EDI-3. Results: The results showed that lower levels of self-regulation and trusting and higher levels of body listening significantly predicted the ED risk. Moreover, higher levels of enteric symptoms and lower levels of sympathetic symptoms were able to predict the ED risk in adolescents Conclusion: These findings point out the importance of discriminating the dimensions of interoceptive awareness for the assessment of ED risk and the central role of body signals’ awareness for the treatment of ED.