
Open Access Journal of Dental and Oral Surgery
[ ISSN : 2833-0994 ]

Platelet-Rich Fibrin Concentrate use and Alveolar Osteitis Incidence: A Systematic Review of Literature

Review Article
Volume 3 - Issue 5 | Article DOI : 10.54026/OAJDOS/1046

Paolo Bisi*1, Francesca Panerai1 , Manuel Cardili1 , Silvia Rizzuto1 and Michele Manacorda2

1Department of Dentistry, IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital, Italy
2Adjunct professor, Department of Dentistry, University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, IRCCS San Raffaele
Hospital, Italy

Corresponding Authors

Paolo Bisi, Department of Dentistry, IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital, Italy

Received : November 14, 2022
Published : November 23, 2022


Aim: This article features a systematic literature review analyzing the relationship between the use of platelet-rich fibrin concentrate (PRF) in post-extraction sockets and alveolar osteitis occurrence risk.

Materials and Methods: The review was performed through Web of Science database using the following terms: “(alveolar osteitis OR dry socket) AND (prf OR platelet rich fibrin).” Five articles were chosen after careful selection and application of inclusion and exclusion criteria. The risk of study bias was assessed using the Cochrane Risk of Bias (RoB) tool.

Results: The analyzed articles evaluated an average reduction in the occurrence of dry alveolitis following PRF application in post-extraction sockets. The articles have also defined that platelet-rich fibrin concentrate, administered either in combination with other substances or in isolation, may be able to promote both the wound healing process and the patient’s postoperative course.

Conclusions: PRF use may represent an excellent option for the clinician to reduce post-extraction alveolitis occurrence. PRF application should always be evalated taking in consideration all the pros and cons of its specific use and all the patient’s characteristics.