
Current Trends in Engineering Science
[ ISSN : 2833-356X ]

Proposing a Quick Checklist for Responding to Pandemic Diseases at Airports

Mini Review
Volume 1 - Issue 2

Mian Zhou*, Yuxin Fu and Alan Lu

Published : July 27, 2020


The global outbreak of COVID-19 in the early 2020 has substantially impacted the global aviation industry including airport revenue or even airline survivability. While emergency response programs (ERPs) are mandatory for airlines and commercial airports, the formats of ERPs vary. The less-than-adequate “Learning-by-Doing” approach involving the allocation of hardware, software and professionals has been the mainstream process for airports to cope with ill passengers as well as protect ground crews and airport properties. Due to the lack of a specific airport response program specifically for pandemics, the main objective of this study is to generate a quick checklist for large airports to review. The checklist could also serve as the partial essence of the ERP so that airports can promptly adapt, revise or adjust to counteract the danger of communicable diseases. Using the systematic process of Etiology Trace & Barrier Analysis (ETBA) as the qualitative methodology, the authors reviewed massive existing manuals, books, guidelines, handbooks, best practices, interviews or the like and extracted contents and items forming a quick pandemic emergency checklist for the airport safety managers.