
Global Journal of Pediatrics
[ ISSN : 2833-3721 ]

The Effects of Electrical Stimulation on Gross Motor Function in Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy: A Review Article

Research Article
Volume 1 - Issue 1 | Article DOI : 10.54026/GJP/1001

Tülay Tarsuslu Şimşek*

Dokuz Eylül University, School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Turkey

Corresponding Authors

Tülay Tarsuslu ?im?ek, Dokuz Eylül University, School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Turkey


Cerebral palsy; Electrical stimulation;Functional electrical stimulation; Gross motor function; Neuromuscular electrical stimulation

Received : January 14, 2021
Published : January 18, 2021


Cerebral Palsy (CP) is the most common childhood disability in children. The child’s motor development and functioning are affected by variety neuromuscular and musculoskeletal impairments. Both of upper and lower extremities motor function are important for many daily life activities. For example, children who has good fine motor function and who can sitting independently can manipulate the objects by using upper extremities and can realize transfer activities. Therefore, she/he can play effectively in daily life. Children who can play will be happy and independent in daily life activities. Spasticity is the most common problem in children with CP and can interfere with daily life activities. Children who have spastic CP constrained in daily life activity, participation and recreational activities. Working on gross motor skills helps to gain strength, increase postural control, to achieve motor milestones and to become independent in daily life activities. In treatment program, physical therapist used different approach, like, exercise programs (stretching, strengthening, aerobic exercise…), electrical stimulation, neurodevelopmental approaches, virtual reality, constrained induced movement therapy. Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation, Functional Electrical Stimulation and Threshold Electrical Stimulation commonly used for this reason. There is a few evidence on positive effects of electrical stimulation applied in children with CP. This review study was planned to investigate the effects of electrical stimulation on gross motor function in children with CP.