
Environmental Sciences and Ecology: Current Research
[ ISSN : 2833-0811 ]

The World Needs Massive Ubiquitous Environmental Innovation and Entrepreneurship to Remedy Its Predicament

Review Article
Volume 2 - Issue 7 | Article DOI : 10.54026/ESECR/1042

David R Tilley*

Published : December 09, 2021


The world suffers from a wide variety of problems, like climate change, ocean acidification, ecological destruction, loss of biodiversity, lack of clean water and air, and an abundance of plastic waste. The aim here is to explore how more innovation and entrepreneurship can be encouraged to focus on a wide array of environmental issues in hopes that it can be more formally embraced as a valid and useful approach to adapting to climate change and improving the condition of the environment. Innovation is defined as the action of creating a new method, idea, product, or service, while entrepreneurship is defined as the activity of setting up a new business that involves financial risks for the hope of profit. Therefore, a coupling of innovation with entrepreneurship leads to an activity of transforming a new idea, product, service or method into a new business that involves financial risks for financial gain. Design Thinking, Lean Startup and storytelling, are modern, humancentered, tools that accelerate innovation and entrepreneurship, lowers the risks, and increases the likelihood of success of each. Professionals in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and Business need to learn these methods and embrace them so that the rate of positive impact can be accelerated across the globe.