
Global Journal of Pediatrics
[ ISSN : 2833-3721 ]

Update of Diagnosis and Treatment in Atypical Kawasaki Disease

Research Article
Volume 2 - Issue 1 | Article DOI : 10.54026/GJP/1011

Hui Wen1 , Lei Sun2 , Juan liu3* and Weihua Zhang3

1Dept of Pediatrics, Changan Hospital, China
2Dept of Pediatrics, the Hospital of Shenmu city (Shenmu Hospital Affiliated to Northwest University), China
3Children’s Hospital of Xianyang City ,Shaanxi ,China

Corresponding Authors

Kawasaki Disease; Atypical Kawasaki Disease; Diagnosis; Treatment


Kawasaki Disease; Atypical Kawasaki Disease; Diagnosis; Treatment

Received : December 21, 2021
Published : January 10, 2022


Kawasaki Disease (KD) is an unknown etiology of systemic small vasculitis as the main lesion of acute febrile extranuclear disease, mainly affecting children under five years old, is also the main disease causing acquired heart disease in children. Its etiology is unknown but it is thought to be related to genes, infection and immunity. In particular, the diagnosis and treatment of atypical Kawasaki disease is a major clinical challenge. This paper reports the progress of the treatment of atypical Kawasaki disease, including the causes, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of Kawasaki disease, especially the progress of drug therapy in recent years.