
Archives of Agriculture Research and Technology
[ ISSN : 2832-8639 ]

A Kalman Filter Uses in Mexican Agriculture

Research Article
Volume 1 - Issue 1

Jaime Cuauhtemoc Negrete*

Published : April 13, 2020


Currently, any country on the planet has problems feeding its population, which is getting bigger every day. Due to this situation, researchers dedicated to food production are increasingly pressured to increase their production, for this they make use of any technique that can help them; new technologies seem to be the only viable alternative. From the reviews carried out in articles from other countries, the use of this method in navigation systems is notoriously important. In Mexico, as this field is incipient, the application of the Kalman filter is also used for other types of research such as irrigation, agricultural economics agrometereology and models of crop growth as researchers focus on more current topics such as aerial and land unmanned agricultural vehicles the use of this important tool will also be greatly increased due to its benefits and applications in navigation.