Journal of Mineral and Material Science
[ ISSN : 2833-3616 ]
An Investigation of the Tribological and Mechanical Properties of the Hybrid Mg Nanocomposites Manufactured by Mechanical Alloy
Mechanical Engineering Departments, Faculty of Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, 21589, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
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This work explores the impact of fly ash and nanoparticle reinforcements (TiO2 , hBN, B4 C) on the mechanical and tribological properties of magnesium nanocomposites produced via mechanical alloying. The investigation revealed that incorporating these reinforcements increased the compressive strength and microhardness of the composites compared to pure Mg. Notably, the Mg-fly ash + B4 C composite exhibited the highest microhardness (50.74 HV), representing a 71.3% increase. Tribological analysis demonstrated that the Mg-fly ash composite and Mg-fly ash + TiO2 composite displayed slightly lower friction coefficients than pure Mg. The Mg-fly ash + hBN composite exhibited the lowest friction coefficient due to the lubricating nature of hBN. In contrast, the Mg-fly ash + B4 C composite showed the highest friction coefficient due to its inherently rough surface. These findings suggest that the developed hybrid magnesium nanocomposites offer a compelling combination of enhanced mechanical properties and tunable tribological behavior, making them suitable for applications demanding both wear resistance and reduced friction.