Journal of Mineral and Material Science (JMMS)
- ISSN: 2833-3616
Mineral and Material Science is an international, peer-reviewed, open access, online and print publication of scholarly articles. JMMS targets to be timely in broadcasting cutting-edge knowledge to engineers, researchers, scholars, scientists and academics whose interest in the emerging developments which includes all mineral and material sciences and they are open to submit their manuscript at any time. The journal forms a dias for authors to contribute their ideas and knowledge all over the world without any barriers.
Aim & Scope
The journal aims to assist scholarly work on recent theoretical and practical research on mineral and material sciences. JMMS covers wide varieties of topics such as Mineralogy and mineral resources, Metallurgy and materials, Mineral engineering, Biomaterials, Materials Processing and Manufacturing, Nano Materials, et al.
All submissions are subject to peer review by the Editorial Board and by referees in their appropriate specialties. JMMS journal cordially publishes all research papers, review articles, short communications, mini- reviews, opinions, letter to editors etc. We will consider manuscripts from any part of the world for the publication. Our main intension is to provide information to our readers and download online for free.
Submit manuscript at or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at