Archives of Agriculture Research and Technology
[ ISSN : 2832-8639 ]
Assessment of Egg Quality of the Nigerian Local Pigeon (Columba Livia Domestica) in Gombe, Nigeria
1Department of Animal Science, Federal University of Kashere, Nigeria
2Research Center for Applied Zoology, Bogor-Jakarta, West Java, Indonesia
3Department of Animal Production, University of Jos, Nigeria
4Department of Animal Science, Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria
5Department of Animal Health and Production Technology, Federal College of Horticulture, Nigeria
Corresponding Authors
The research was conducted to assess the egg quality of the Nigerian indigenous pigeons in three agro- ecological zone of Gombe state, namely; Gombe Central, South and North. 90 fresh eggs were randomly collected from these zones comprising of 30 eggs per zone to assess the external and internal egg quality of the domestic pigeon. Data were collected on egg weight, Egg length Egg width, Egg shell weight, Shell thickness and the Internal egg characteristics were albumen height, yolk height, albumen weight, yolk weight and Haugh unit. Results indicated that egg weight value were 14.052 ± 0.173, 14.385 ± 0.229 and 13.758 ± 0.99g in Gombe Central, South and Gombe North. The mean average of egg weight in the study area was 14.273 ± 0.1045g. However, egg weight was significantly (P<0.05) affected by location. Gombe South seems to have a heavier egg weight compared to Central and Gombe North. Albumen height value was 5.6100 ± 0.0044, 5.6933 ± 0.032, and 5.4333 ± 0.063mm in Gombe Central, South and Gombe North. The mean average of the albumen height in the study area was 5.6401 ± 0.03082mm. There was a significant difference (P<0.001) in albumen height across location. Yolk height value were 12.880 ± 0.12048, 13.206 ± 0.0475, 12.753 ± 0.12127g in Gombe Central, South and North, respectively. Overall yolk height was 13.0696 ± 0.06187mm, which was highly significant at (P<0.001) for location. Haugh unit values were 93.897 ± 0.02318, 94.120 ± 0.2493 and 93.158 ± 0.3237 in Gombe Central, South and North, respectively. However, there was a significant difference (P <0.01) in Haugh unit for location effect. Most correlation values were significant at 1%. However, a few were correlated at 5%. Egg weight is correlated with egg length (0.499; P<0.01), shell weight (0.28; P<0.01) and Haugh unit (-0.278; P<0.05). Albumen height was correlated with yolk length (0.23; P<0.05) and Haugh unit (0.0928; P<0.01). Conclusively, the high egg qualities are indication of good reproductive performance in the pigeons. Since most correlated responses were positive, selection for a particular egg characteristic could lead to positive responses in others and such correlated responses could be used to hasten selection processes to improve the pigeons.