
Corpus Journal of Case Reports
[ ISSN : 2833-4388 ]

Huge Cervico-Thoracic Thymoma Associated with Liver Metastasis: A Rare Case Report

Case Report
Volume 1 - Issue 2 | Article DOI : 10.54026/CJCR/1007

Hicham Ngham*, Hicham Lyoubi, Mouna Lyoubi, Reda Allah Abada, Sami Rouadi, Mohammed Roubal, Mohammed Mahtar

ENT and Head and Neck Surgery, Ibn Rochd Teaching Hospital, Morocco

Corresponding Authors

Hicham Ngham, ENT and Head and Neck Surgery, Ibn Rochd Teaching Hospital, Hospital August 20, 1953, Casablanca, Morocco


Thymomas; Cervico-mediastinal tumor; Liver mestastasis

Received : August 18, 2020
Published : August 31, 2020


Thymomas are rare tumors characterized by their slow growth and their ability to directly invade by contiguity. Although distant dissemination is unusual, all thymoma subtypes have the ability to metastasize to extra thoracic organs. We report the case of a patient with a huge thymic B2 cervico-mediastinal tumor associated with a concomitant liver metastasis.Despite the size and the significant extension of the tumor; the clinical symptoms are severe and medical treatment combining radiochemotherapy has been able to stabilize the lesions.