Corpus Journal of Case Reports (CJCR)
- ISSN: 2833-4388
Corpus Journal of Case Reports publishes peer-reviewed, online open access articles and provides forum for reporting unusual, rare cases and research with a special emphasis on understanding diagnosis, management and pathologic correlations of a disease. This journal publishes case reports in all aspects of Clinical Medicine.
Focus and Scope
Corpus Journal of Case Reports aim is to facilitate immediate access to scientific data available for all readers, so that it will emerge as the platform and source for all the scientists, research scholars, students and other healthcare practitioners to discuss various new issues and developments covering all fields of Clinical Medicine. The scope of the journal is that it emphasizes the research work done by all the scholars and researchers and gives the faith among the students to publish their work. Journal also endorses scholars to publish their contemporary works in research. Corpus Journal of Case Reports mainly targets on understanding unusual rare cases and treatment integrates in international medical knowledge.
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