Volume 3 - Issue 2
Research Article
October 07, 2022Improving Productivity of Small Farmers by Bio-Rational Soil Management: II. The Case of Horticultural Crops
J Franco1,2*, O Navia2 , G Main2 and J Herbas2
Archives of Agriculture Research and Technology DOI:10.54026/AART/1038Research Article
October 06, 2022Assessment of Egg Quality of the Nigerian Local Pigeon (Columba Livia Domestica) in Gombe, Nigeria
Okoh JJ1*, Abdulkadir SA1 , Ibrahim A1 , Putra WPB2 , Dafur BS3 , Kaye J3 , Ojonegecha AC4 , Adepoju AA5 and Usman D5
Archives of Agriculture Research and Technology DOI:10.54026/AART/1037Research Article
September 30, 2022Study of the Egg Attributes of the Japanese Quail (Cortunix Cortunix Japonica) Raised in Gombe State, Nigeria
Okoh JJ1*, Ibrahim A1 , Abdulkadir SA1 Putra WPB2 , Dafur BS3 , Kaye J3 , Ojonegecha AC4 , Adepoju AA5 and Usman D5
Archives of Agriculture Research and Technology DOI:10.54026/AART/1036Research Article
June 29, 2022Reflectance Signatures Developed from Multi-Spectral Imaging of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Expressing Visible Herbicide Injury
Danésha S Carley1 , David L Jordan2*, Cecil L Dharmasri3 , Turner B Sutton4 , Rick L Brandenburg4 , and Michael G Burton5
Archives of Agriculture Research and Technology DOI:10.54026/AART/1035